Thursday, 31 January 2013

What are Anions (Negative Ion)?

Have you ever noticed...

after heavy rain, or when you are in the park, 
or by a waterfall, or near the surf by the shore you feel very refreshing? 
The reason is that these scenarios are abundant anions in these environment.

What are Anions...

Ions are electrically charged neutral particle in the air. Formed by the gain or loss of one or more electrons.

- as cations (positively-charged ions) oxidability,  which has destructive free radical. 
- as anions (negative-charged ions) reducibility, which has recover-ability.

Simply put, they're oxygen atoms with an extra electron. To our body, is to balance the acidity level, which reduce free radical. 

Experts Said...

In 18th century, physicists Coulomb's discovered, insulation of the charge disappears in the atmosphere. Physicist Roentgen and Baker found that, gas in electrolyte solution carry positive or negative charged particles. This makes the gas electrically conductive. Jeffrey Gertler and Wilson's proof the experimental results. Faraday, a physicist, referred to as, "ion". ' Air ions ', hence the name.

1977  Winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, physicist Philip · Dr Laenard (Philip Leonard) found that  water droplets overall are positively charged (positive ions), Division of water droplets into smaller water molecules are negatively charged (anions). Water washed down from the mountains, rocks around the combat, stirred up a lot of spray, and generated a lot of negative ions. This phenomenon is called "Renard, Jules effect".

In 1960 of the 20th century Japan MD, Horiguchi said anion is the energy of the universe. Negative ions in the human body, to strengthen the body's own natural healing ability and resilience of life, thus overcoming the disease. No side effects and cure disease from the root. Therefore, can be said to be advancing 21st century medical advances, concern therapy.



◎ 「好患者」就是会定期回诊的病人,因为会替医院带来稳定收入。
◎ 不是不吃药,而是吃药要有期限,如果一直吃不好就要检讨原因。
◎ 血压高未必需要吃药,压力大、作息乱才是脑溢血主因。
◎ 血糖标准降低,于是糖尿病患者暴增几百万人,但并非都需要吃药。
◎ 胆固醇愈低愈好?其实胆固醇在二二○至二八○mg/dl的人,最长寿。
◎ 新陈代谢症候群根本不必看医生。
◎ 连医生都未必知道,肠子是人体最重要的免疫器官。
◎ 制酸剂并不能治疗胃溃疡。
◎ 常吃头痛药会刺激交感神经,可能引发其他疾病。
◎ 腰痛别穿紧身搭,更别马上贴酸痛贴布。
◎ 过敏、湿疹,不用擦药膏,多摄取发酵食品就可以治好。
◎ 抗忧郁药物可能让人更不开朗。
◎ 晚餐不要太晚吃,就能改善失眠。

◎ 别让养生成为压力,再养生的食物,吃起来好吃才是最基本的。
◎ 量量体重,就能看出营养是否失衡。
◎ 坐姿不前倾,就能改善很多疼痛症状。
◎ 按摩手指,就能维持自律神经的平衡。
◎ 按摩小腿部,可以改善全身血液循环。
◎ 按压百会穴,刺激分泌内啡□,提高自愈力。
◎ 洗澡冷热水交替,能远离感冒。
◎ 把看电视改成每天散步一小时或六千步,半年体重九十变六十。
◎ 睡觉不只是休息,睡足七小时才能彻底修复人体自愈力。
◎ 不可以用病患的身分去看病,而要以顾客或朋友的对等身分。
◎ 聪明病患会设法让医生讲出「因为你是私下问,我才会老实说」的医疗建议。

Saturday, 26 January 2013




5点至7点 )大肠经旺,有利于排泄;
7点至9点 )胃经旺,有利于消化;
9点至11点 )脾经旺,有利于吸收营养、生血;
23点至1点 )胆经旺,胆汁推陈出新;
1点至3点 )肝经旺,肝血推陈出新;
3点至5点 )肺经旺,将肝贮藏的新鲜血液输送百脉,迎接新的一天到来.

How Twelve Meridians Affect Blood Flow ?

Twelve Meridians is a regular pattern discovered by the ancient Chinese. 12 hour corresponds to the human body 12 meridians. Therefore, as the hour change, it will affect the strength of different meridians.

Mastered the law will have a better effect on health, medicine and massage.

5 to 7 for large intestine
Conducive to the discharge;

7 to 9 stomach
conducive to digestion;

9 to 11 spleen
conducive to absorption of nutrition, health and blood;

11 to 13 beneficial to blood circulation of the body
the fire of the heart health and stomach soil conducive to digestion;

13 to 15 small intestine
conducive to the absorption of nutrients;

15 to 17 bladder
liquid water and the whole body in favour of purging out the small intestine

17 to 19 kidney
conducive to the storage organs of the essence of the day;

19 to 21 heart empowerment
 strengthen heart health and stomach soil conducive to digestion;

21 to 23 lymphatic
start to sleep, corniculatus to recuperate;

23 to 1 gall bladder 
Detox; prevent crystal

1 to 3 liver
liver blood innovatio

3 to 5 Lung
 liver storing blood transportation Lotus corniculatus, greet the new day.