Mastered the law will have a better effect on health, medicine and massage.
5 to 7 for large intestine
Conducive to the discharge;
7 to 9 stomach
conducive to digestion;
9 to 11 spleen
conducive to absorption of nutrition, health and blood;
11 to 13 beneficial to blood circulation of the body
the fire of the heart health and stomach soil conducive to digestion;
13 to 15 small intestine
conducive to the absorption of nutrients;
15 to 17 bladder
liquid water and the whole body in favour of purging out the small intestine
17 to 19 kidney
conducive to the storage organs of the essence of the day;
19 to 21 heart empowerment
strengthen heart health and stomach soil conducive to digestion;
21 to 23 lymphatic
start to sleep, corniculatus to recuperate;
23 to 1 gall bladder
Detox; prevent crystal
1 to 3 liver
liver blood innovatio
3 to 5 Lung
liver storing blood transportation Lotus corniculatus, greet the new day.
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